Why is my dog so fussy with food?

Why is my dog so fussy with food?! 🍽🐶

Most often, the cause of a dog's fussy eating is usually the result of being a little bit too spoilt for choice! 👑

The truth is, a dog isn’t going to starve itself. If he or she is hungry, they will eat what they are offered.

We find that many people will provide an extravagant buffet of choice to their pup to coerce them to eat, including feeding table scraps or excessive amounts of treats...….If you're opening multiple foods and trying to coax your dog into eating something every meal, then your dog has you trained ‼️🚫

For example, say if it were a kid, you offered them one of everything from the cupboard until you started to offer them junk food, they are going to wait for that every time………and so is your dog!

❤️ The hard truth is we have to show a bit of tough love. But you will see the benefits! ❤️

Our tips are:

-Feed a dry food diet that can remain out for a little amount of time to give them a chance to eat it.

-Please try your hardest not to feed table scraps – it will benefit you in the long run!

-Try to feed your pets at the same times each day – Dogs love consistency, not so much variety! (That’s why they know exactly what time they should be served dinner every night!)

-Start all of these things as soon as you pick up your puppy, those first few months with you are crucial in setting up a routine for the rest of your pups life 

*** However, please keep an eye on your dog if they usually have a healthy and consistent appetite and have suddenly lost interest in their food. Especially if they also become lethargic and, this could indicate a health issue! 🚑


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